Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Heir Grows Up

John tries to keep uo to date with his skills on his days off.
Most of the time he can fix and upgrade things without any problems.

Other times though, he isn't quite as successful.

It wasn't long before his little miss was due for a birthday.
She really was the apple of his eye, even though he didn't get to spend as much time with her as he wanted to.

As predicted, Rose turned in to a pretty young child.
She was definately her father's daughter.

Especially with those big bright green eyes.

Her room wasn't changed much, they didn't need to buy a bed as they had the one that Sandi used to have before she got a new double bed, they just changed the bedding to fit in with the room.

Molly also gets a slight make-over to reflect her aging years.

Sandi often felt isolated from the rest of the family, as she wasn't a true Gallifrey-ian, she would spend hours at night time practicing her guitar skills, hoping one day to be an amazing rock star.

Sometimes when Sandi was practicing at night, John would come out of his room saying there was an emergency at the hospital and that he had been called in. Most of the times it was true, but Sandi was suspicious when he would go out, late at night and not be wearing his work clothes.
She was right to be suspicious too, for he was calling around his boss' house, and not for work.

It all started out innocently enough, but John just had to go and ask if she was single.
He just couldn't help himself.
His wife was getting older and frailer by the day, maybe this was his way of coping with the inevitable.
Still it was wrong, he was still a married man, no matter what.

One thing led to another.....

And they kissed.

But being the 'gentleman' that he was, he realised she was tired, so he whispered in her ear saying he would let her get to bed, and that he would see her at work the following day.

Stay tuned for the next instalment.

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